Successful Order

This is the return page after a succesful purchase. You can thanks them for shopping with you and display some important after sale messagge.

Shrink your images

Header title

This is the title that appear in the header at the top of the page.

Paragraph title

This is the title of the text area below the header.

Paragraph subtitle

This is the subtitle of the text area below the header.

Paragraph content

Content of the text area below the header. You can turn this field on or off using the toggle.

Call to action button

Enter button text and URL to link to the desired page. You can show/hide this button using the toggle.

Header background

Drag and drop you background image here. Upload limit 700 Kb.

success-bg thumb

Add Overlay

Traking Code

If you need to trak your convertions you can redirect to the success page any completed order and paste in this page the code of your favorite tracking service.


This data will be injected into the Header of the successful order return page.