Page Header

Enter the information to display in the header of your landing page. This information will be used for SEO purposes too.

Page title *

Keep this page title short and clear.


The writer of this article.

Short description *

This short description will appear in your header section under the title.

Call to action button *

Enter text and link with the URL of the the page you want to redirect people to.

Button Label

Button URL


Enter the image you used for your social or ad campaign. The system is set to reject images bigger than 800 KB. If the image you are trying to upload is bigger than that try reducing its size.

Categories & Tags

You can use these fields simply to order and keep your landing pages organized for later edits.

Categories *

This is a way to order your landing pages in categories for easy managment.


Tag your Landing Pages with Tags to find the page you are looking for.

Article content

Enter a full content of this article for both languages, you can also include images, video and downloadable files.

Full article content

Sidebar Image

You can add a portrait image to display as sidebar of your landing page. The system is set to reject images bigger than 800 KB.

Page details

Drag and drop your pictures in the related areas. Imagelimit size 800 Kb.

Shrink the size of your images

Ecwid Category ID *

Enter the Ecwid Category ID of the category you want to display in this landing page.

Traking Code

Many times you want to have a traking code on your landing page to track if people click on your ads.


Optional publishing settings, read carefully the informational text to know what each option is used for.

Set as Draft

By setting this page as draft it will be hidden from your live website but it will be saved in your admin area, so you can edit and publish at a later time.

Set as Archived

Set this page as archived if you want to remove it from the website. It will be still available in your admin area if you want to edit it.

* Required fields