Page header

This data is used on the Home page header as Title (H1) and subtitle (H2). Use the following link to shrink images bigger than 800 Kb.

Shrink your images

Page title

This will be used as the H1 for this page.

Page subtitle

This will be used as the H2 for this page.

Page summary

You can turn this field on or off using the toggle.

Call to action button

Enter button text and URL to link to the desired page. You can show/hide this button using the toggle.

Header background

Drag and drop you background image here. Upload limit 800 KB.

contact-bg thumb

Add Overlay

Intro Paragraph

This data is used throghout the entire website to guarantee it's functionality. You can find these same setting in the Settings area.


This will be used as the H3 for this page.


Leave blanc if not needed.


Try using this paragraph to write valuable content using SEO keywords.

Contact Information

This data is used throghout the entire website to guarantee it's functionality. You can find these same setting in the Contact area.

General Email

This email is displayed in every section where a general email is required. It will also be used in the forms to send automated responses.

Display in contact page


This email is displayed in every section where a general email is required.

Display in contact page


Enter the address as you want it to be displayed on your website

Display in contact page

Form Settings

Those settings refers to the text area below the header. If you don't need it you can toggle the section off.

ADMIN | Who do you want to receive users inquiries?

Enter a comma separated list of emails that you want this form to send notifications to.

ADMIN | Email content (Email received by the admin on submission)

This message will be received by the admin after a successful form submission. Use the following codes if you want to use the custom info entered by the user in the contact form.

  • Name: {{name}}
  • Surname: {{surname}}
  • Email: {{email}}
  • Phone: {{phone}}
  • Message: {{comments}}
  • All fields: {{{fields}}}

USER | Email subject (Auto-response to user)

Subject of the automatic email sent to the user on submission

USER | Email content (Auto-response to user)

This messagge will be received by users who submit an inquiry on your contact page. Use the following macros in your message to use both your website info and the dynamic data entered by the user.

User data

  • Name: {{name}}
  • Surname: {{surname}}
  • Email: {{email}}
  • Phone: {{phone}}
  • Message: {{comments}}

Web data

  • Website name: {{web-name}}
  • Website url: {{web-url}}
  • Website email: {{sendfrom}}

ADMIN | Who do you want to receive subscriptions?

Enter a comma separated list of emails that you want this form to send notifications to.

ADMIN | Email content (Email received by the admin on submission)

This message will be received by the admin after a successful form submission. Use the following codes if you want to use the custom info entered by the user in the contact form.

  • Full Name: {{name}}
  • Email: {{email}}
  • All fields: {{{fields}}}

**No auto-response is sent to the user **

In order to keep email notification down to a minimum, the subscribed user get a notification on successful sign up. No auto-response email is sent to the user for this form.

USER HTML template (Advanced)

User HTML email template for every form of the website. Edit email content of each form from the tab above. Use Email stacks by Weavers Space to edit the code.

ADMIN HTML template (Advanced)

Admin HTML email template for every form of the website. Edit email content of each form from the tab above. Use Email stacks by Weavers Space to edit the code.