Enter the article info in both languages.
Post/Tool title *
Enter the post title for both languages. The Permalink will be generated using your primary language only and must be a unique value in your blogging system. In case you need to add two posts with the exact same title you can manually edit the auto genetated permalink.
Author *
The writer of this article.
Categories *
The category of this post. You can enter comma-separated values.
Write a short description for this blog post. This will be used in the blog list page and for SEO purposes in both languages.
Primary short description
Enter a short description for this article in your primary language.
Enter a full content of this article for both languages, you can also include images, video and downloadable files.
Full article content
Drag and drop your pictures in the related areas. Imagelimit size 800 Kb.
Shrink the size of your images
Principal Image
You must enter and image for this article. Drag and drop your pictures in the areas below. The system is set to reject images bigger than 800 KB. If the image you are trying to upload is bigger than that try reducing its size.
Image Gallery
Leave empty if not needed. You can also add images in the main content of the post. The system is set to reject images bigger than 800 KB.
Optional publishing settings, read carefully the informational text to know what each option is used for.
Set as Featured
By marking this post as featured it will appear always at the top of the list in your blog page.
Set as Draft
By setting this post as draft it will be hidden from your live website but it will be saved in your admin area, so you can edit and publish at a later time.
Set as Archived
Set this product as archived if you want to remove it from the website. It will be still available in your admin area if you want to edit it.
Publishing Day
Leave as it is to publish the post istantly. Use this setting if you want to upload this piece to the system right now and make it go live on a future scheduled date.
* Required fields